SCI provides full multi-module insurance & financial certificates and diplomas highly sought-after by the industry. Get a head start within the professional realm of consultancy.
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The Singapore College of Insurance (SCI) is proud to offer a specialized Certification. This Certification is recognised by the ASEAN Insurance Council (AIC) in its award of the prestigious ASEAN Professional Insurance Diploma (APID)
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This programme provides a good understanding of the various individual life, annuity and disability insurance products, including design, pricing, underwriting, claims, investments, and other managerial operations of a life insurance company.
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This programme is a technical and supervisory qualification for insurance staff working across all sectors of the general insurance/reinsurance industry. In addition to being a valuable qualification in its own right, the programme enables one to progress to attaining the Advanced Diploma in General Insurance and Risk Management (ADGIRM).
Explore our range of courses, seminars and workshops designed to give individuals and organisations the knowledge and skills to continually stay ahead on industry requirements.
We offer bespoke training services to cater to the specific business needs of organisations through our Corporate Training Solutions (CTS).
CTS leverages our core competency in organising training and education programmes to customise company wide training for our clients within the insurance & finance industry.