Pooba Mahalingam - Regional Risk Consultant is based in Singapore with three decades of practical experience in risk/insurance. Pooba is a professional engineer and operates under “Talent Asia Training & Consulting” of Singapore. He is specialized in the insurance space with special focus on property/ engineering/ construction insurance and risk management aspects. Pooba has provided Expert Evidence in a few technical disputes in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Sri Lanka. He served as the President of the Insurance Law Association of Singapore (ILAS) for three terms.
Pooba is a regular lecturer with the Singapore College of Insurance (SCI), the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII), The Insurance Institute of Asia Pacific (IIAP) based in Philippines and Thailand Insurance Institute (TII). He is also the Author of a MII publication entitled, “Engineering Insurance.” Besides training, Pooba also undertakes property risk surveys and provides consultancy services to various clients (reinsurers, insurers and brokers) in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and in the regions of Asia, Middle East & Africa.